I am Maria Sola, a determined and creative adventurer, a visionary. A traveler at heart. My mission is to help you tap into the infinite power, creativity, and light that already resides within you. My mission is to restore harmony in both being and doing, in everything. I am supported in this by healing voice and energy work, clairvoyance, and living in unity with the universe.
I am a healer using my voice as a most important tool in channeling the energy of highest love, energy worker, speaker, educator, and artist. I am a psychic coach, an author, the host and soul behind the Free Your Voice -podcast, the goddess of FeminYin Magic Flow®, and the creative force and voice behind the Maria Sola -healing music. My diverse tools for mind and body coaching, and above all, fulfilling my soul's purpose, serve as instruments in my work. I work effortlessly both in one-on-one sessions and with various groups. Everything I do is rooted in helping you understand the incredible power flowing within you and the surrounding universal life energy, and how you can harness your magical energy for the benefit of both yourself and the world around you. Recognizing your own power, acknowledging your infinitely beautiful being, and embracing your boundlessness—these are the things I help you understand and draw upon in your life.
I passionately explore themes such as soul purpose, voice and sound healing, inner and outer alchemy, meditation, the power of body and mind, healing, magick, femininity, consciousness, health, leadership, and creativity. I warmly welcome you to join me on a magical journey towards a heart- and soul-centered life. A journey that leads to the source of your power, your endless creativity, your sensitivity, and your gifts. All the while honoring nature, our loving Mother Earth.
Where there is Light, there is always hope. When you radiate love and trust to your surroundings, that feeling spreads far and wide like light. When you understand that you are not alone, a separate being on this earth, but that each of us are connected with cosmos, nature and every living being, and that we all have the freedom to choose to live through peace, bathing in light, you will begin to see miracles everywhere. In the end, everything is very simple. Right now is your moment.
Musician and Artist
Healing Voice Coach -25, Michael Schirmer Äänisilta
Umen Oy creative director -24
Umen hyvinvointi -wellness studio owner partner -24
FeminYin Magic Flow® -creator -23
Kundaliinireiki healer -23, Ong Namo
Sound therapy healer -23, Enkelikartano
Mental Coach advanced -23, Peltonen Performance Oy
Mental Coach -22, Peltonen Performance Oy
Yoga Yinful / meditation teacher -21, HALI Formations Oy
In addition, several shorter trainings and courses to supplement professional skills. Before entrepreneurship, 20 years of work experience in sales and marketing, of which 15 years in supervisory positions, in demanding business environments has strengthened the view of the results that are achieved by meeting people as people, helping them recognize their own natural strengths. By realizing and helping them to realistically examine their own slowing beliefs, strengthening resilience. The most important value has always been on my journey, acting honestly from the heart.